Thursday, February 28, 2019

Catholic Ukrainian Rural Church

Verse of the day
Luke 16:10 - If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

When I worked as a manager in retail, training was crucial to have things done right. You also had to be aware of the employee's progress and skillset. I had to ask myself, could this employee handle the tasks I was giving and could they be trusted to get the job done.

As we walk with Jesus, God monitors how we are doing, what we can handle and what we can be trusted with. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He examines our faith and our faithfulness.

When we walk with God and are faithful in the small things, then larger opportunities will appear. This is how we grow as Christians. God needs to know we can be trusted to handle greater responsibility before He gives it to us. And sometimes, in our minds, we think we can do a lot more than we actually can.

God knows our minds and hearts. We may not get what we want because He knows we can't be trusted with such a responsibility. It is for our own good and aligns with God's will.

As a parent, we do the same thing with our children. We give them what we can entrust them with. Giving them too much responsibility can crush them, giving them too little can underdevelop their potential in adulthood.

The key to all of this is monitoring what is going on. How great it is that our Lord watches over us, giving us what we need. He provides opportunities of faith to see how we will handle situations. Will we panic and crumble or stand strong in the face of life's many obstacles. Will we rely on God's wisdom or our own strength.

The next time we face a struggle, crisis or tragedy, God is right there watching us with an open hand. Will we reach out to Him or let our problems take over our lives. As we trust more and more, his blessings become greater and greater.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for watching over me. Every time I stumble you are there to help me. I want my faith to grow and ask you to help me in all parts of my life. Help me to overcome any sin in my life, any mountains I need to climb or any vast valleys I need to cross.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Bridge Over Frozen Water

Verse of the day
James 1:19 - Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

I heard a pastor once say, "God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason." And how true that is! We need to listen twice as much as we speak.

If we are not slow to speak, we may not control our tongue and blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind. How many have done that? I know I have - many times.

In fact, chances are, we end up saying something we'll regret later. The lack of self-control that comes with blurting out something often hurts others. Being slow to speak gives us time to get control of our minds so that we can speak with kindness, gentleness and purity.

There are two areas where I find it's most common to lose control of your mouth. The first is in a conversation within a small group. Sometimes conversations veer into ungodly territory. And the natural response is to contribute to the conversation.

But without pausing for a brief moment, we end up speaking about things that we would not normally talk about. We may end up gossiping, telling dirty jokes, using swear words - all things not of God.

The second area where your mouth can quickly get you into trouble is in a heated argument. Because emotions are running high, we tend to speak defensively. Ironically we want to protect our dignity and respect, so during a heated argument, we put others down with insults, slander or derogatory comments. These are not only disrespectful, but shows no dignity at all. This kind of talk is also not of God.

A quick note about anger. The dangers of anger go far beyond one's emotion. It can can lead to hatred, impure speech and a multitude of sins. We can murder in our minds with our anger. Living a life of anger does not show Jesus to anyone.

We cannot pass off our anger as something God knows about and will let happen. NO!  We need to have self-control. Anger that leads to sin over and over and over again without repentance, but rather a cavalier attitude that says, "That's just me - I can't help it," has no place in the Kingdom of God.

As the Book of James states, let us control our mouths by listening more, think before we speak and get control of our anger.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for not listening first, and saying things that are hurtful to others. Help me to be slow to become angry. May people see You through my speech and through my conduct.

In Jesus' name,


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Too Cold For Hockey

Verse of the day
Colossians 3:15 - And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.

At times, I struggle with inner peace. I'm not sure exactly why that is. Perhaps it's me struggling with the plank in my eye as I see specks in others or maybe it's seeing evil running rampant in this world and many are embracing it, including our very own governments. Or it could be all of the news I watch.

Whatever it is, sometimes it can be overwhelming. There's some truth to the old saying, "Ignorance is bliss."

On the other hand, we as Christians should not be foolish or unaware of the things that are happening around us and the things to come. We just don't need to be engrossed in them.

Our main focus should be allowing Christ and his peace to dwell in our hearts. We do this by surrendering our minds to heavenly things rather than earthly things. We need to continually live a life of prayer and thanksgiving. Even in the darkest times of our lives, there are things we can give thanks for.

The peace we have inwardly should shine bright for everyone to see. The body of Christ is his believers. His church. We need to spread out peace with other believers in unity and love. We can do this by sharing and carrying each other's burdens.

I see the church today, as I do, struggle with peace. In fact, many smaller churches are struggling with attendance. Some are shutting down programs or even their doors, leaving many searching for other places to worship and fellowship.

We need a reawakening. We need to show our light in the community. We need to show the peace of Christ to those who struggle far worse than us, with things like addiction, depression and hopelessness.

Church cannot be on Sundays only. And the church should not only focus on reaching out to fellow believers (although that is important too). But we need to break the paradigm of Christians going to church to a belief that Christians ARE the church.

Let us spread the peace of Jesus to the world!

Heavenly Father, May I find peace in you. Let me not be consumed with this world but focus on you and the things of heaven. I thank you for your blessings. You have provided me with everything I need. As I live my life in you, give me the strength and opportunities to share your peace with others.

In Jesus' name,


Monday, February 25, 2019

Frozen Forest

Verse of the day
Psalms 91:1 - Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

When we take on life our way, things can fall apart fast. When we become prideful and think our way is best, our lives become superficial. And when we lie to ourselves or live a lie, we become restless.

It's only when we throw our hands up in the air and surrender our lives to God will we live in peace. As we live and abide in God, he will give us rest.

This life can be tiring. We can get weary and may even find it impossible to go on, but we will find rest in Jesus.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” - Matthew 11:28‭-‬30

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for trying to live my life alone without you. I need to give you everything. I lift my burdens up to you. I seek rest in your shadow. Thank you for lifting me up when I am weak. Your strength endures forever.

In Jesus' name,


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Morning Winter Skies

Verse of the day
Colossians 2:6 - And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.

After that glorious day of accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior things can become difficult. You may find yourself feeling convicted of doing certain things that were ungodly and you struggle not to do them again.

Once we accept Jesus, we also accept his ways. We cannot go back living the way we used to. We need to give up our old ways and follow what Jesus teaches us in the Bible.

The Christian life isn't an easy life. You may feel like an outsider, it can be lonley at times and you will, at some point, be ridiculed or persecuted for your faith.

Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. - 2 Timothy 3:12

These are perfectly normal feelings and experiences. In fact, if we are a Christian and haven't experienced any lonliness, rejection or persecution, perhaps we're not following as close to Jesus as we need to be.

We need to decide who is the priority in our lives. Who do we please - man or God? Are we holding on to old ungodly habits? Are we practicing worldly traditions that we grew up with? Do we change who we are just to fit into a group or family? And do we sacrifice God's truth for worldly ways so that we don't offend anyone?

These are tough questions to ask ourselves, but they can determine how serious our relationship is with Jesus Christ. Jesus was the perfect example of following his father in the face of ridicule, persecution and even death. How close do we follow Jesus' ways?

But here is some Good News, we are not alone in our struggles. We can call out to God during our journey and He will help us through any difficult time. There is nothing we can't overcome or do with the power of Jesus.

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. - Philippians 4:13

Heavenly Father, Help me to overcome any old ungodly habits or traditions that is not of you. Transform my mind into focusing on you and your ways. Thank you for your divine power that gives us strength in our times of need. I also pray for those that persecute me, that they may seek and find you.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Endless Snowdrifts

Verse of the day
Acts 2:21 - But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

It is one of the most beautiful and reassuring things to hear that everyone can be saved. All they need to do is call on the name of the Lord - Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved. The name of the Lord is above all names. Salvation cannot be bought with money or good works, nor cannot be found in any other god, nor any other name.

There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved. - Acts 4:12

Because salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ, anyone wanting to be saved, regardless of their past, can be saved simply by calling upon His name.

If you are reading this and are asking yourself if you can be saved by a loving God, the answer is YES! Jesus awaits your response. He is ready to forgive any and all sin that you struggle with. All you need to do is call upon Him with a simple prayer.

Dear Jesus,
I confess that I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. 

Today, I make you Lord of my life. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you are the Son of God, that you are Lord and that God raised you from the dead. Come and cleanse my heart. Fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Thank you for your salvation and the gift of eternal life. Teach me how to live for you as you walk with me.


If you prayed that simple prayer, you are saved! The next steps are to continue to grow in God through His Word and with fellowship of other Christians.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Steeple Through The Trees

Verse of the day
Galatians 6:9 - So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

Let's face it. It's much easier to do something for ourselves or nothing at all than to do good for others. Doing good often takes sacrifice of time, effort and/or money. It can also be downright difficult if we're trying to do good to others that don't appreciate it or are hard to love.

The flip side is that doing good builds a harvest of blessing. One that we will reap if we don't give up. These blessings can be in the form of unspeakable joy that we experience as we do good. Or it might be healing we experience. Unexpected provision or God's hand guiding us in the right direction. Whatever the blessing, it can be reaped through doing good to others.

But there are times when we get tired. Weary. We try to do good, but nothing changes. Our struggles continue and there is no relief. Or we hoped that by doing good to others it may have set an example, but alas our good deeds have fallen on deaf ears. It can feel disappointing, hopeless and frustrating.

But God takes note of our perserverance. By not giving up and being faithful in doing good, God awaits His perfect time to shower us with His blessings. But I believe far too often we give up too early.

We live in a time of instant results. I want my food now and hot. I want to buy now and pay later. I don't want to wait for my app to download. I hate waiting to be served.

It reminds me of a song I heard on TV from the band Queen. The lyrics go like this:

I want it all (yes I want it all)
I want it all hey
I want it all and I want it now

We want EVERYTHING and we want it NOW. But, we need to have the mindset of a farmer or gardener. Not only do we plant seeds of faith to grow and mature in others, but we also plant seeds of blessings for ourselves. These seeds take time to grow and bear fruit. We need to be patient. As they grow, we need to take care of them. 

We need to persevere and keep on doing good in the tough times. Even when we're broke, tired, cranky or feeling selfish. If we give up, we may miss out on God's blessings.

May we be reminded that, even if doing good can be hard work, it's most definitely worth it in the long run.

Heavenly Father, Give me the strength to press on doing good for others even in the toughest times. I've seen and experienced your blessings when I faithfully perservere. Thank you for your many blessings and all that you provide.

In Jesus' name,


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Supermoon Drifting Away From Earth

Verse of the day
Isaiah 40:28 - Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.

I enjoy watching Mythbusters. It's a show that uses science to disprove myths from everything from scenes in movies to old wives tales to events in history. And although the show is quite entertaining and the science looks cool, where does faith come in?

Science and faith don't always mix. There are some mysteries science cannot prove without some theory behind it. The laws science uses are natural laws. And we do live in a natural world, but our Creator is supernatural. That means God has powers much greater than the natural laws on earth.

So when it comes to the creation of earth, the worldly view looks through the eyes of science. But believers in God, look at creation through faith. We know God is more powerful than we could ever understand. 

God's recorded miracles defy science. They are mysteries of the supernatural. They go beyond science and no theory based on natural laws could ever prove the power of God.

No science could explain the parting of the Red Sea, walking on water, turning water into wine, healing the blind or resurrecting the dead. There are many more accounts of miracles too numerous to mention.

If we, as Christians, believe these miracles to be true, then we must also believe God created the earth in a supernatural way that science cannot prove. One of God's greatest miracle is the creation of earth.

It defies science how the earth was created so perfectly to sustain life. We live and thrive on a planet within a lifeless universe that is so vast we cannot comprehend its size. 

Sure we see can look to the stars and see God's creation as it He intended it to be. But no matter how much we want to find other intelligent life out in space, we will never find it. We're it - so let's give thanks to our Creator who gave us life abundantly on earth.

Heavenly Father, You are the one and only creator of earth. It did not happen by chance but by your divine purpose. Your power is beyond our understanding. Thank you for your creation (both big and small). From the largest star in the sky to the smallest insect, you created a wonderful universe filled with mysteries man will never solve. All praise to the creator of the Heavens and Earth!

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Simplistic Beauty

Verse of the day
Galatians 5:22‭-‬23 - But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

When we allow our lives to be guided by the Holy Spirit, we start to transform and blossom into something beautiful. We start to do things we may have never done in the past. That is because we start to bear fruit.

Those who bear fruit, may find themselves being kind to those who are unkind. To love those difficult to love. They may find that they're more patient than ever before, especially in times that they would normally lose control and say something they would regret later. Others will find peace and joy in the most stressful situations.

And the Holy Spirit that dwells in us not only produces a fruitful life, but also reminds us when we fall short. We might hear that inner voice speak to us saying, "You probably shouldn't have said that," or "You need to calm down before things get out of control."

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are against no law. Meaning they are not bound and are free. There is no judgement in living out these fruits of the Spirit. God deemed these fruits to be good and intended them to be  poured out from having the Holy Spirit dwell in us.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your Holy Spirit that dwells in my life. As I live my life guided by your Holy Spirit, I see good changes in my life that bear fruit. And when I stumble, your Spirit convicts me to come back to you with a humble heart and ask for forgiveness. I praise you for all your goodness!

In Jesus' name,


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too

Verse of the day
1 John 2:15‭-‬16 - Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.

When I was in high school, I dreamt of owning a Lamborghini Countach. It was love at first sight. I loved the cool design, the speed and the status symbol attached to it.

Looking back, that dream feels foolish and impractical. But being young, we don't always see with wisdom. Even today, I can get sidetracked by nice vehicles, houses, etc. But I know, I need to think on things above, not the things of this world.

I have to think in more realistic, practical ways to live on earth while keeping my focus on Jesus. Soon all this will be gone and none of the material things will even matter.

If we look at today's verse, the true test to see if we love the father is to examine our lives to see if we love the world. What is our main focus in life? What do we strive for? Who do we really serve?

The world is very flashy, entertaining and tries to appeal to all of our senses. It's easy to get tempted or distracted into things that take us away from God.

Let us pause each time a worldly thought or desire pops into our head and ask ourselves, "Does this serve God or me?"

Heavenly Father, I thank you for providing all of my needs. Forgive me for falling for worldly desires. My focus needs to be on serving You and others. Give me strength to resist temptations that will lead me away from you.

In Jesus' name,


Monday, February 18, 2019

Morning Mist

Verse of the day
Jeremiah 17:10 - But I, the Lord , search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.

There once was a King with no children who needed a successor for the throne. When word got out throughout the Kingdom, many young boys gathered outside the palace for an opportunity to become the next King.

The King, seeing the crowd outside, prepared a task that would determine who would be the rightful successor as King. The task would take exactly one year.

Within the palace walls was the King's garden. A true pride and joy. The task was for every boy to receive one seed from the King and come back in one year to judge the growth of each plant.

So the King invited every young boy wishing to become his successor to receive one seed. He addressed all of the candidates, "Take your seed, plant it in the finest soil you can find, give it water, sunlight and return here in one year for all of you will be judged and only one of you will become the next King."

Excitedly, all of the boys ran home and planted there seeds in small cups. Within a couple of weeks all of the boys could see a small sprout coming up from the seed, except one - Jeffrey.

Jeffrey had chosen good soil from his Dad's garden. He watered his seed regularly and gave it lots of sunlight but could not see any sprouts coming up from the cup.

Worried, young Jeffrey asked his father, "Why isn't my plant growing?" His father said, "Be patient Jeffrey, continue to do what the King has asked."

Weeks turned into months and still nothing. There were rumblings around the Kingdom of boys who had already transplanted their plants into larger pots.

Jeffrey was worried. His seed would not grow no matter what He did. He cried out to his father, "My seed will not sprout, my plant will not grow. I've used the best soil I could find, I've watered and gave the seed plenty of sunlight and still nothing!"

His father came over to the cup to inspect what Jeffrey had done and said, "Young Jeffrey, you are doing what the King has asked, continue on until the end."

Saddened by his father's response, Jeffrey continued to do what they King requested. More months had passed and every young boy who received a seed was to present their plant to the King.

As all of the boys brought large potted plants. Some had to drag their plants to the palace. Jeffrey was ashamed and nervous about presenting his failed attempt to grow the seed.

The King could see many large potted plants. He slowly walked by every boy as their chests puffed out in pride. Some plants measured three, four and even five feet tall.

When the King approached Jeffrey, all of the boys began to laugh. ''Silence!" the King exclaimed. He bent down and examined the small cup Jeffrey had brought.

"Interesting. What happened here?" the King asked. Embarrassed, Jeffrey replied, "Your Highness, I planted my seed in the finest soil I could find. I watered the seed and gave it plenty of sunlight. Forgive me as my seed did not grow."

The King said nothing and finished up reviewing all of the plants. "I have reviewed the progress and I can see how diligent each of you were with the care of your seed. Jeffrey, please approach the throne," said the King.

Jeffrey approached as the King reached for the cup containing the seed. He dug in and pulled out the seed. He held up the seed for everyone to see and said, "I have chosen my successor. Jeffrey will become the next King".

Jeffrey looked up bewildered at what he was hearing.

The crowd gasped in disbelief. Everyone started grumbling. "Silence everyone,' the King exclaimed. "You all received a seed. And you all brought back plants of every kind, except one - Jeffrey. You see, the seeds I gave everyone were boiled to the point they would no longer grow. It is because of his integrity that Jeffrey will become King."


This fable can teach us truth about integrity. During my interview for my last job, my boss asked me what I thought integrity was and how important is it. 

I said, integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking and it's vitally important to one's character.

We can put on a good face. We can act like we care. We can even have hidden motives. But we cannot pretend or hide things from God. He sees our heart. He knows our desires.

Just as young Jeffrey strived to do the right thing, even when things go wrong, he was rewarded. Our King, Jesus Christ, sees our hearts and minds. He knows our motives. Our integrity is vital to our character. We will be rewarded according to what our actions deserve. Are we living a life of honesty and integrity or are we living a secret life with hidden motives. God knows and will judge us accordingly.

Heavenly Father, You see my heart, my thoughts and actions. May I have integrity in all things. I pray for protection from evil that can plague my mind. Give me strength, Lord, to do the right things according to your will.

In Jesus' name,


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jubilee Park Sunrise

Verse of the day
Hebrews 11:6 - And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

Faith is probably the hardest aspect of the Christian life. The disciples also struggled with faith, even in the presence of Jesus. Peter struggled when walking on the water toward Jesus (Matthew 14:22). The disciples still struggled with their faith when Jesus fed the 4,000, after he had already fed the 5,000 (Mark 8:16). Or even doubting Thomas couldn't believe it was really Jesus after he resurrected until he saw the nail marks (John 20:24).

It's sometimes hard to trust or believe in someone we cannot see. Especially when we go through difficult times. Perhaps we're struggling with health, or the loss of a loved one, or food to eat or with no job. Whatever we struggle with, it can be difficult to raise our hands in the air to praise God and just trust that God will look after us.

Sometimes we do feel alone. Abandoned. Left to our own devices. Where then is our faith? We may wonder if He really hears our prayers. Some may wonder at our lowest points if He is even real. Does God exist? If so, what kind of God lets us fall down in despair.

Well I can say through my experience that God is with us. I have fallen and failed many times. I've never had a broken bone in my body but I have been broken more times than I remember. And when I look back God has been with me every step I took.

In those darkest times, we need to push forward. We need to rely on our faith and God's promises. It is what pleases God and what will bring about our rewards.

How great is our faith in times we have plenty? We may give God thanks, but I've also seen those praises whither away. When we struggle we show God just how much we need Him. God always provides everything we need. Let us not forget how much His love is for us.

Heavenly Father, I struggle at times believing things will get better when I go through difficult moments in my life. But I know you love me and want the very best for me. Forgive me when my faith falters. Renew my heart with the hope of your return and may I trust in your love that you continually pour out each day. Thank you for your faithful provisions.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, February 16, 2019

New Day Awakens

Verse of the day
Psalms 37:5 - Commit everything you do to the Lord . Trust him, and he will help you.

Commitments are something to take seriously. They involve honesty and trust. When we commit to the Lord, we must do so with a sincere heart.

When we need the Lord's help, do we ask Him to help in just a small part of our lives or do we want him for everything? God wants our whole life, not just part of it.

He wants us to trust Him completely. He wants us to commit everything. When we come to God, we need to ask God for His will to be done in our lives. Not our own.

God has an everlasting amount of resources. So it's easy to just ask for what we want, to help us in own way and leave God out of the rest of our lives.

But in order to receive His blessings or help, we need to trust God. With our whole life.

It can be downright scary to hand off the reins to God. Where will He take me? How will I get there? Who will I become? What will I do?

If we commit everything to God and trust Him, He will answer all of these questions and not lead us into temptation and destruction but give us a life of blessings and abundance.

Yes, difficult times will always be with us throughout life. We can tackle these times alone or have God walking along with us, guiding our every step. Which way will you decide?

Heavenly Father, You are so great and powerful, yet you still want to be part of my life. Thank you for your guidance, help and blessings. Today, I commit everything to you. My thoughts, my actions, my dreams and my struggles. Please act and help me in my life. Protect and guide me to your will.

In Jesus' name,


Friday, February 15, 2019

Sunrise Peaking Through a Morning Haze

Verse of the day
Habakkuk 3:17‭-‬18 - Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord ! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

I remember hearing about a missionary who went over to one of the poorest parts of Africa to preach the Good News. But when He arrived, the missionary's eyes were really opened. The condition of the village was appalling.

Everyone lived in grass huts with dirt floors. There was no clean water in the village. It had to be carried in pots from miles away. Food was scarce and crops were bare.

"How could people find joy in hearing the Good News in these conditions," he thought. But that's exactly what he found. He witnessed children playing in the streets with the biggest smiles. Widows singing their hearts out at church services. Everyone giving and sharing what they could, not really worried about the future.

The joy found in that village is what we all need. When life is crumbling around us, when life seems unbearable or when things look hopeless, we need to be joyful in the Lord for our salvation.

I know it's a difficult thing to do. But focusing on Jesus instead of the storms in front of us will give us the strength we need to persevere through the toughest of times.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. - James 1:12

Even in the darkest times, there is joy. There are blessings poured out to us. We need to take note of these blessings we do have and give thanks. I remember a great hymn I used to sing, "Count Your Blessings" which had this chorus:

Count your blessings;
Name them one by one.
Count your blessings;
See what God hath done.

Heavenly Father, In my time of trouble, you still bless me. May I count the abundant ways you look after me. May I find joy in the midst of a storm. Thank you for your love and that you walk with me through every struggle I have. You are my rock I will stand on through raging waters.

In Jesus' name,


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cattails in a Sea of Snow

Verse of the day
1 Corinthians 13:13 - Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

While the world will tell us the two sure things in life are death and taxes, God's word puts a positive spin and tells us three sure things that will last forever: faith, hope and love.

Being Valentine's Day, I'm going to focus on love. Can you guess how many types of love there are in the Bible? Two? Three? There are actually four types of love described in the Bible. Here they are:

1. Eros - This type of love is described as sensual, erotic and sexual. It's the love described in Song of Solomon between a man and a woman. It is to be confined within the union of marriage.

2. Storge - This is family love. For example, it is the love one feels when someone dies (when Mary and Martha lost their brother Lazerus). It can also be love between a parent and child such as the case between Abraham and Jacob. It can also be the genuine love between husband and wife.

3. Philia - This is a brotherly love. It's one so strong that one would give up their life for another. Such as in a time of battle. It's a type of love that shows a strong bond between two people that Eros and Storge cannot do, such as in the case between David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel.

4. Agape - Lastly, and most importantly, this love is described as the love God has for us. It is a supernatural and supreme love that comes from God. And we can only express this love through Jesus. It's the type of love that says, while being nailed to the cross, "forgive them for they no not what they do". It's the type of love that God the Father has shown by giving us His one and only son to die for our sins. It's a love with an everlasting amount of forgiveness, grace and mercy. It's love given when we don't deserve it. It's the type of love Jesus wants us to show one another.

This Valentine's Day, let's show our love to each other. Let us remember the different types of love and how we are to love others.

Heavenly Father, You are love. You've shown us throughout history how you've loved and taken care of your people. You've sacrificed your son for sinners. There is no greater love than that. Thank you for your abundant love.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sunset Silhouette

Scripture of the day
Philippians 2:3 - Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.

When I was young, I used to celebrate Halloween. I'd dress up in a cool costume and go to a school party and eat lots of candy. There may have even been contests at school for best costume.

Looking back over the years, I remember some of the costumes I wore. I once was an astronaut, a cowboy and even Batman (with tights to match). It was fun to pretend to be something you're not.

Today, although I no longer celebrate Halloween, I still dress up in masks from time to time. No, I'm not talking about the types of masks one would wear on Halloween.

These are masks to hide my insecurities. Masks that will try to impress others so that I feel better about myself. Those masks could be in what I wear or the words I speak.

There was a time that I didn't even realize I was doing it. I needed to have the nicest clothes, wear the coolest tie to church or stand in front of the mirror grooming my full, thick head of hair. All to impress others because I wanted to be noticed, accepted and hide my insecurities.

Fast forward to today and things have changed quite a bit. Apart from having no hair (LOL), I am more cognizant of who I am and why I do the things I do. I now no longer try to dress to impress and try to watch my words.

Do I mess up from time to time? I sure do! Sometimes I'll blurt something out and realize after that I what I said may have been hurtful. Once again, I need to apologize to the person and then come before the Lord to confess and repent asking for forgiveness.

What I need to be focused on is encouraging others. And thinking of them as better than myself. I still would like to be acknowledged and respected but I try not to do or say anything to impress others. My focus has shifted to trying to help others before myself. By doing all of this we can humbly serve others, glorifying God in the process.

Heavenly Father, Help me shed any masks I have that would disguise who I am meant to be. Let me be not selfish but think of others as better than myself. Give me the strength to walk humbly before you and others. May there be no pride in my heart that will try to impress others.

In Jesus' name,


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ready for a Game

Scripture of the day
1 John 3:18 - Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.

One of my favorite Christian bands is Petra. And one of my favorite tracks off their album, Beyond Belief, is called Seen and Not Heard. The chorus goes as follows:

Seen and not heard, seen and not heard
Sometimes God's children should be seen and not heard
There's too much talk and not enough walk
Sometimes God's children should be seen and not heard

It's a great reminder that actions speak louder than words. As Christians, we should be seen more than heard. There is too much talk and not enough walk.

I remember one job I had, when the boss found out I was a Christian. He said, "I would have never guessed that." At first I was offended by the comment, but after some reflection, I have to agree with Him .

Back then, even though I was a Christian, my light didn't shine that bright. Not to everyone. Only those I felt most comfortable around would know that I was a Christian. And mostly just by my words.

Anyone can say they're a Christian. Anyone can say they love one another, but we need to show others what love really is, what the truth of God is.

It isn't just about putting on a good front or saying the right words. Pretending is futile as God sees right through us. It's about living a life for Jesus that everyone can see.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. - Matthew 5:16

So why, as Christians, do we not show others the love we say we have? I've come up with three: 

1. We are afraid. Just as Peter denied Christ three times, we sometimes are afraid to acknowledge Christ because of persecution. It's tough to live a Godly life and be threatened or ridiculed for it. But we are told that is exactly what to expect.

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. - 2 Timothy 3:12

2. We are ashamed. Perhaps we are embarrassed to acknowledge an invisible God as we'll look crazy. Being ashamed of God can bring about deadly consequences.

Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. - Luke 9:26

3. We are not really a Christian. We utter the words, "I am a Christian" but our hearts are empty. We put on a good game face, we say all the right things, but we really don't know Him.

Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. - Matthew 7:21

There are no good or justified reasons we have for denying Christ or refusing to love others. Doing so can ultimately lead to our eternal death. If we say we are Christian, then we need to live our lives as such showing Godly love to everyone.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me of the times I have denied you. May I never be ashamed to show others your love. Even in the midst of persecution, I pray for a strength and patience so that you can be glorified.

In Jesus' name,


Monday, February 11, 2019

The Hazy Days of Winter

Scripture of the day
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

As I reflect back at all the things I've created in my life, I can't say I created any masterpieces. Sure there were things that I thought looked pretty cool such as a logo, website, photo, Lego battlecruiser or even a snowman shaped like a dinosaur. But none were a masterpiece.

When I read that God thinks of me as His masterpiece, I am humbled and definitely don't think I could ever measure up to that label. I mean, aren't masterpieces supposed to be perfect, flawless and great? I'm none of those. In fact, if I was creating me, I'd probably take one look, toss me aside and start again.

But thankfully God sees things humans cannot. He sees our heart. He knows what we are capable of doing. He loves us and has great plans for us.

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart. - 1 Samuel 16:7

Knowing that God looks at the heart, reassures me that I have a place in His Kingdom. I know I'm not perfect on the outside, and I do mess up from time to time, but if He examined my heart, He would find a genuine love for Jesus.

But I know my heart is not perfect. I have struggles and have a lot to learn. The journey I am on is far from over. As I grow and become more obedient to do the good things he has planned for me, I hope to live up to the name "Masterpiece" one day.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for creating me. Thank you for having plans for me to do good things long ago. Forgive me of my shortcomings as I try to succeed in doing good for you. I pray for wisdom and guidance through your Holy Spirit to be the man you intended me to be.

In Jesus' name,


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Why did the buck cross the road?

Scripture of the day
Ephesians 6:11 - Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.

When you look at most Marvel movies, the superhero put's on his armor to protect themselves and eventually defeats their evil enemy. But unfortunately, our evil enemy won't be defeated until the day Jesus casts him into the Lake of Fire. Until that day, we can put on our own armor that will help us stand firm against the devil's strategies.

The strategies of the devil are vast. I've seen them in my own life and I've seen them over the years throughout society. Satan can be rather persuasive. He can make bad things look good. In fact we're at a time now where our world is running rampant doing and saying things that were once evil and now are good. Isaiah foretold this in his prophetic book:

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. - Isaiah 5:20

The devil is also patient. He was right their with Adam and Eve since the beginning of time. He can be as cunning as a snake as he slithers through the grass. He can wait and roam around like a lion waiting for the perfect time when we are weak or slip up. He will pounce and devour us. We need to be constantly aware of the evil around us.

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8

Satan is smart. Yes he is our enemy. But one that was amidst the glory of God in heaven. And has millennial of years of experience (both in heaven and earth). He knows human nature and it's weakness. He knows what tempts us and builds upon it.

The devil also does not work alone. Many people think we fight against people but in reality it is the devil's army we fight that have corrupted the minds of men. Satan has his own minions working for him. Demons that roam the earth looking to turn our eyes away from Jesus.

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12

It often feels like an uphill battle. Even a losing battle. But as Christians, we know how the story ends for the devil and his people and they will suffer miserably. So what can we do until that great and terrible day of the Lord? We must guard and protect ourselves against evil schemes. We must put on the armor of God to help us.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
- Ephesians 6:13-18

Take a look around. See what people are saying. Look at what the world is becoming. You don't have to look far to see how far downhill we've come. Laws are being put into place to uplift what was once taboo. People can scoff at you and say, "C'mon - get with the times!" But we, as Christians, are aware of what times we are in. The End Times!

Heavenly Father, your Word is so wonderful. Full of wisdom. Help us stay strong in the face of evil. May we always put on your armor to protect us. Let us not be foolish thinking we can take on the devil by ourselves. We need you! The protection you give us will keep us safe. May we continually pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ to be safe as well.

In Jesus' name,


Saturday, February 09, 2019

Winter Dunes

Scripture of the day
Romans 8:39 - No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

As Christians, it is common to feel unworthy of God's love. Especially at times when we mess up and sin. But we can be assured that God still loves us, even in our darkest times.

But when we start to feel insecure in our faith, we need to look for God's promises. Once we have experienced God's love for the first time, we begin to understand just how much He loves us.

Romans 8:39 is one of key verses in the whole Bible that expresses the extent of God's love for us. The love that is manifested in and through Jesus Christ is so strong, that not one thing can seperate it from us.

Everything in the Heavens and Earth that was created by God, cannot seperate His love through Jesus Christ. That profound truth from God should be a reassureance of how much He loves us.

However, God is also a JUST God. In His love, he will also not let the wicked go unpunished.

I've heard many times from many people how God loves us so much that He would never send anyone to Hell. In fact, there are many who simply do not believe in Hell. That is simply not true as there are many references to Hell or Lake of Fire in the Bible.

Anyone seeking truth cannot pick and choose parts of the Bible as their truth. To know truth, is to trust through faith that the ENTIRE Bible is true, no matter how difficult it is to grasp. 

Those who do not do this will experience a warped perception of the truth. Many cults and fallen churches are based on twisting scriptures to suit their own selfish desires.

Alright, I'm finished ranting but felt this needed to be said. Today's scripture is indeed uplifting and a promise to hold on to.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your eternal love for us that nothing can seperate. Even when I stumble, your love never ceases. Please give me the strength to share your love with others with the mercy and grace that you've shown me.

In Jesus' name,


Friday, February 08, 2019

Time for Snow Removal

Scripture of the day
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

Bullies are everywhere. You'll find them in all places, from daycares to seniors homes. And the filth and lies that come out of their mouths often make others suffer.

When I was young, there were bullies around calling names, shouting insults, etc. at me. I remember thinking of the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!"

I have to say, whoever came up with that saying either never was bullied or is in denial. Words can hurt and hurt a lot. I've seen my daughter bullied with lies to the point she's in tears when she comes home from school. It's painful for her to go through and painful for a parent to watch. 

We need to be aware how we talk and how it affects others. Apart from the book of James, here are just a few scriptures that instruct us on speech:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Ephesians 4:29

What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them. - Matthew 15:11

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. - Colossians 4:6

But the are other words even much more powerful than our own, the Word of God. The Bible is alive and active. It's sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword and can cut through soul and spirit.

The word of God pierces our heart, it convicts us of our wrongdoing and transforms our minds. It changes our lives and the lives of others.

Regular reading of God's word keeps you aligned with God and His will for your life. I can easily see when I'm close to God or further away simply by how much time I spend reading the Bible.

His words are so powerful that it shakes up my whole being and changes my life in ways I never thought possible. 

It has the power to help me forgive others (including the bullies in my life). It has the power to help me love the unlovable. It has the power for me to give when I have little to give. And it brings me to a deeper understanding and closer relationship with God Almighty.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your Holy Word. It is powerful, it is alive and it is active. Your word has surpassed the test of time and will never be snuffed out. How great is your wisdom and love spread out generously on the pages for everyone to embrace. How can anyone reject such truth? I pray for an abundance of opportunities to share your word to as many who will receive it.

In Jesus' name,


Thursday, February 07, 2019

Beautiful Sillouette

Scripture of the day
Psalms 143:10 - Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.

Traversing through life can be difficult. Many times we second guess our moves wondering if we made the right decision. 

I've taken many twists and turns in my life that put me in the wrong place - only because I was selfish and chose my own path. But when we reflect on our own life, it is important to differentiate the difficult times into our choices vs God's will.

Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our lives is a sure way to step in the right direction. But sometimes God will need to bring us through difficult times so that he can refine our character and we then walk closer with Him.

Some may ask, "Why would I want to follow God only for Him to put me through tough times?" When God puts us through tough times, He is always with us. And it's always for the better.

God will only give us what we can handle. But through each tough time, He builds our faith and character. The key is to allow God to work in our lives and mold us. The more we resist, the more painful and longer the process will take.

Obedience is vitally important when following God. The natural tendency is when things get tough, to take the reins from God and figure things out on our own. That most definitely is a recipe for disaster. 

Because God sees all and wants the very best for us, why not let him lead the way. His ways are for good. He will not abandoned us in our times of need. We need to trust Him and we will see the goodness He has for our lives.

Heavenly Father, I pray for your Holy Spirit to guide my life. May I be obedient in your direction. May I trust in your ways even if they don't make sense to me. Give me the strength to carry on when times are tough. Thank you for refining my life so that my light may shine.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, February 06, 2019

There is Beauty in the Coldest of Days

Scripture of the day
Matthew 19:26 - Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Over the past few years God has really been working in my life. It seems it was an endless struggle after struggle. And it was early on that I realized I could not do this life on my own. In fact, without God, it was downright impossible.

It's only when I started relying on God that I began to see miracles in my life. There were miracles of safety, miracles of provision (money and food) and miracles of peace and contentment, even in the most stressful situations that would cause a normal person to panic.

This is in whole to my relationship with Jesus Christ. Through that relationship God has allowed me to do the impossible. Many mountains have been before me but I was able to climb over each one or the mountain simply moved allowing a clear path.

These mountains, as I've mentioned in a previous post, were family issues, sickness, financial struggles, work issues and now unemployment. However, I no longer fret as I know God has a plan for me and he's been working in my life constantly blessing me through each trial.

Through faith, I trust now instead of panic. I've learned to be still and know that He is God. I have a testimony to show that in all impossible circumstances, God had led me through victoriously when I leaned on Him.

Through God all things are possible. What really helped me through these circumstances was thanking God for what I do have. I always tried to stay positive.

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

It was not easy to get to this point in my life. Many struggles I've had in my walk with Christ early on were painful. I often rejected his help and was disobedient thinking I'll solve my problems my way. Unfortunately, doing things my way always ended up in a bigger mess than if I had relied on God.

Heavenly Father, thank you for walking with me during those tough times in my life. Thank you for teaching me to rely on you. Your goodness is far richer than anything I can do on my own. You make the impossible - possible!

In Jesus'name,


Encourage One Another

  Verse of the day Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. ~ Proverbs12:25 I'd be lying if I said I didn...